Just returned from an enjoyable trip to Finland, where my piece Flicken for chamber orchestra & film was premiered at the Avanti! Summer Sounds Festival. At the end of June, Vojtech Sembera recorded my solo baritone piece Threads and Ribbons in the Czech Republic, and I look forward to sharing that recording when it is finished. More than Gold received its second performance in Belfast by the Cappella Caeciliana Choir at the start of June. The Chamber Choir Ireland workshopped my new choral work Tearing as it is Woven, which will premiere in the Autumn 2019. Chris Roberts premiered the solo guitar piece he commissioned, Hiraeth am Nefoedd, on June 30th, with another performance on July 6th. This piece which will be released on his album on July 25th, more news on that soon. Finally, I’m delighted to announce the publication of two of my choral works, Asphyxiate and The Blue Bird with Cailino Music Publishers. These scores will be available soon at my composer’s page on their site.
New video available of my piece for PANIC Music Ensemble that premiered in April 2019 – Stutter.